2024年11月19日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 4.10 “主要用它”


Say, “The Lord Needs It”



 马可福音 11:1-10

Mark 11:1-10



—可 11:3

"If anyone asks you,'Why are you doing this?' say,'The Lord needs it.'…"

—Mark 11:3

当耶稣走到距离耶路撒冷几英里的地方时,祂开始为一个大规模的公共活动做安排。这是一个具有战略意义的时刻,当时各国的人群正聚集在一起参加犹太人的逾越节庆祝活动。 耶稣周围的人都因为祂感到兴奋。祂进入耶路撒冷绝不会被人们错过——但却被误解了。祂不是像人群中的许多人所想的那样,是作为罗马国王的对手而来。而是作为万王之王,祂要来为每个人的罪舍弃自己的性命。耶稣不是被当作地上的统治者,而是要戴上荆棘的冠冕,被钉死在十字架上,像愚昧的王一样被戏弄。 为了做好准备,耶稣派祂的两个门徒去为祂取一匹驴驹。祂知道他们会被问及所做之事,所以祂也告诉他们应该说什么。 耶稣知道将要发生的事。祂知道为了成就神拯救我们的计划,祂需要什么。耶稣将骑着驴驹,藉着新约的血为万国宣扬和平,(参亚 9:9-11)祂将直接去圣殿,这个为赦免罪过而献祭的地方。 在这个对耶稣来说重要的最后一周的第一天,我们要寻求,明白自己需要什么。我们需要耶稣为赦免我们的罪而牺牲。

As Jesus comes within a few miles of Jerusalem, he begins making arrangements for a large-scale public event. This is a strategic time, when crowds of people are gathering from all nations for the Jewish Passover celebration.

The crowd around Jesus is all excited about him. His entry into Jerusalem will not be missed—but it is misunderstood. He is not coming as a rival to the Roman king, as many in the crowd were thinking. But as the King of kings, he is coming to lay down his life as a sacrifice for everyone’s sins. Instead of being treated as an earthly ruler, Jesus will be crowned with thorns, sentenced to death on a cross, and mocked as a king of fools.

To prepare for this, Jesus sends two of his disciples to fetch a colt for him. Knowing that they will be asked about what they are doing, he also tells them what to say.

Jesus knows what is ahead. He knows what he needs in order to fulfill God’s plan to save us. Riding a colt to proclaim peace for all nations through the blood of a new covenant (see Zechariah 9:9-11), Jesus will go right to the temple, where sacrifices are offered for the forgiveness of sins.

On the first day of this important final week for Jesus, we are invited to know what we need. We need Jesus to be offered for the forgiveness of our sins.

祷告 · Prayer


